I took the back way through rural South Carolina this morning, all excited about my new adventure. I looked at the trees getting ready to bud out, and was happy to see spirea in bloom. I was passing cotton fields ready to plant and was waxing poetic to myself about the beautiful day. Of course, as I sang along to Stevie Wonder, I saw steam coming from my hood. this from my beloved Volvo that has never given me a moment's worth of trouble in the five years I've driven her. I pulled over next to a church (hey, I'm not STOOPID) that had gospel music bouncing off the rafters. I figured if Jesus was anywhere, he was here and I needed him like bad. I got out and put up the hood: steam from a hose. Within a minute an African American woman and her son pulled over to see what was wrong. (I mention the race thing because it will be important as my story progresses. Get a cup of tea.) Her other son pulled up shortly thereafter, and the two men looked at the hose, analyzed it, called all their friends, called Autozone, and found out the hose has to come from Volvo. The closest dealership was in Charleston and I was 70 miles north, just outside of Kingstree, SC. I was so looking forward to lunch at Brown's Barbeque in Kingstree! OH, well. While they sought a solution to my problem, I called roadside assistance but the woman there, as nice as she was, knew far less than my new best friends because she lives far away. Anyway, the men found a friend of a friend with a tow company to tow me back to Charleston. I called him and he was quickly (!) on his way. As we waited for the tow guy to arrive, the ubiquitous white State Trooper pulled up to assess the situation. He got out and said "Ma'am are you okay?" I said "Yes, Officer, I have some great help here, and a towtruck is on the way." I thanked hime, and he left. I looked at my new best friends and we busted out laughing. One of the men said "He was checking on you!" I knew that. Sigh. But hey that's his job right? I was GLAD he was checking on me and if I'd been alone I would have been gladder.
So anyway, I am getting sunburned as it is hot out. The tow truck pulled up and my new friends went to check him out to "make sure he's ok." Sweet. They decided it was ok for me to get in the towtruck and go with the guy. When we got underway, White Guy Tow Truck Man said "You know, I think I can fix that hose. I'll take it to my garage and try. " I said, great. The thought of going all the way back home and figuring out how to start my great new adventure was starting to make my head spin around. We went to his house. While he worked I sat on a porch swing with his wife who told me all about their former daughter in law swiping the grandchildren she had raised from birth at Christmas. She started to cry in the telling, but not to worry. These kids were all under 4 and riding around on these four wheelers like they were grown. they're back and they are fine.
He fixed, I took off splattering thank yous all over the place, and now I am here just off the base in Spring Lake, NC.
So that's my story. I knew it would be an adventure, I just didn't know it would start in Kingstree. I'll have to stop at Brown's another day. What I got was even better than barbeque, and it takes a lot for me to say that!