For those of you reading comments, the Anonymous Blogger Libba is my lovely sister, the mother of my nephew Chad. He is serving you in Iraq. I will tell him you said thank you. Hey you. Other sister. You know who you are.If you want me to call you lovely you have to comment. I do not care where in Texas you are.
Uh Oh
I got a call from the Agency today, from my New Friend Dr. Chu Chu, I love that combo in name and I am not kidding. She told me that the other person meant to form my team (which I am to Lead) backed out. Well, all I can say is bummer for you, Other Person. You just missed it. Dr. said she may have to send me somewhere else because, since she is a conscientious person, doesn't like to send people out alone. " N-to-the O" I said. "Please believe me when I tell you I am fine by myself. I used to work in the Homeless Shelter at 11th and M!" She remembered that I might be ok in a small town alone. I reassured her of that fact. I really want to meet Frank and Joyce! She wants to find me a team toLead, I think, but I will not waiver if I can help it. I don't want to make trouble for Dr. Chu Chu. Stand by everybody.
Ask Susie
Okay, a faithful friend asked why I have identified "Fashion" as my business field. Well. I had to pick from their choices on blogspot. And, like everyone else in the entire world, or maybe just this country, Social Work is not a Field of Business. I'd like to know what Social Work IS then, but anyway, I pick from their choices and change it up depending on my mood.
Yall have asked how much I love being from the Carolinas. I have to say a lot. And I will miss

Oh my. Is that some woman's Chia Pet?
Hi Carol,
I do not think she had to add water.
Apparently, beer is a growth medium for large houseplants.
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