There are many altrustic reasons for wanting to return to Louisiana and some not so. I cannot wait for crawfish.
I requested to return to Thibodeux, but they may not need me there. If not it will be New Orleans. Since I have only been there to fly in before, now's as gooda time as any to go.
Hurricane season is almost upon us. Those of us in areas prone to such weather know that June is not usually a problem. Neither is July. When the water gets hot and the air does too, that's when the "fun" begins. I have volunteered to go back during high hurricane season because it does not scare me and I know what to do-throw your stuff in the back seat of the rental car and get out of Dodge. You don't wait around and ask questions or watch it while it's on its way to kick butt. You Leave. Which is what I will do.
Anyway, I called my hosts at Naquins BB and told them of my immenent return. Boy I hope I can stay with them again.
If I go to NO I may to wear agency shirts that are very bright orange, a shade that makes no white girl look good. I didn't wear them in Thibodeux, and I don't know why I wasn't required to do so. I did not ask questions because that shirt would have lit me up in the dark as someone from Somewhere Else, which is what I was avoiding.
All the FEMA people in NO have gone home. Wonder why? Does everybody have a lovely trailer now? Is everything back to business as usual. I cannot comment because I have not been there. HOWEVER, as you all know, I will be reporting from the ground.
Thanks for all y'all's support.
We await your reports your our foot soldier..you rock Sue for the work you are doing :)
Go to Pearlington MS and you'll get a quick answer to that question..
Hi sorka,
I do realize that my question is rhetorical.
Thank you dusty, once again
A good balance between altruism and crawfish makes perfect sense to me.
I think you should wear the New Orleans: Proud to Swim Home shirt while you're there.
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