Monday, March 20, 2006

One Month Back, March Madness

One Month Back
I've been home for a month now. I think about my trip and the people down there often. One thing I remembered that I forgot to post: many of the teenaged people I talked to said they didn't know the stars were so bright. Seems that, with no power in the entire city, and the hurricane sucking up all the moist air, and they were out on rooftops, they were able to see the stars like never before. Small blessing but a blessing nonetheless.

March Madness
Duke lost to LSU on Thursday. I love March Madness! I was, of course, disappointed, but being Evolved and An Adult, I decided to pull for LSU and Big Baby for the duration of the tournament. Who better to win, I ask you? I hope they win the whole thing and whup up on some UConn. Go Tigers! Go Big Baby!


Anonymous said...

Hey Sue Woo--Am donating my old cellphone to Katrina victims today. FYI, T-Mobil has a program with the American Red Cross to give used cellphones to Katrina relief. Giving the gift of gab (ala communication) in your honor, cher!

Sue said...

Merci, Cher!

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue,
Found your blog when looking up the B & B you stayed at, as I will be staying there 6 nights and going to a community meeting in Thibodaux or Assumption parish.
I am following in your footsteps and so glad to read your writings and rants,
I think we are kindred spirits ( i am at tail end of baby boomers, went to high school in Hawaii, college in Santa Cruz and SF & now live in So Cal with my hubby and 2 dogs, Shanti & Tao, and work as a Marriage & Family Therapist) and I am grateful for what you shared about your experience, et al. I feel more prepared to go into the schools and listen, plant some seeds, give love & leave. That sounds so simplistic, yet that is what I am telling myself right now, as I pack some clothes...I fly there tomorrow! Aloha, Hilary
no web page, my email: