Thursday, May 08, 2008

Notes to Self, Part Dos

1. Don't get freaked out when I see combat boots in the bathroom stall next to me.

2. Make a list of all women I know who need a boyfriend, then keep eyes peeled. Like it's hard.

3. Pay special attention to those who have stars on their clothing. Be really nice and say "Sir". It's important.

I thought it was going to be really hard to keep my opinions to myself-after all, we all know how very strong they are and how eloquently I can shut somebody up. However, it's been easy. This is not about me, it's about them.


Anonymous said...

Are you saying there are some *interesting* looking men down there? Hmm. You might get me to come visit yet.

Sue said...

Are you kidding? all handsome, all the time!

vanillabirdies said...

Ahh phew I finally found my way back to your maaahhh-velous blog.

Yes do not freak out at the sight of combat boots!

Nor attempt to paint them bright blue and spray glitter all over them for a good ziggy stardust look...Wait, maybe that's just me.

You're very good at multi tasking. Taking care of the boys...AND the girls back in the States.

And YOU look good whilst doing it!