Saturday, February 25, 2006

Bon Nuit et Bonne Chance

Okay, chers,

I'm all packed up and I leave in the morning. I have some other things I want to post which I'll do after I get home. I kept some notes and some recordings I want to get to when I'm there. I need a persective. My brain is whirling. More than usual I mean. Stop it lovely sisters, I know you are laughing and I will not call you lovely if you don't cut it out.

I want you all to know that I had the best hosts ever. They were all accomodating, kind, fabulous cooks, and boundlessly energetic members of their community. Their friends were my friends, period. They made the hard work here easier. Check them out at Call them if you want to come to the Bayou,cher.

There are things that I know to be true:
1) The recovery effort is cosmetically underway. The psychological scars are so deep it will take resources that people just don't have to fix it. I by no means want to take away from the resilience and determination of the fine people here, anything but. But all the hearings and bazillion page reports and pontification cannot replace what is gone. After a crisis like this life as you know it is over. It's hard for children to think about that.

2) The Mississippi Delta is sinking. Where I sit will be under water in 20 years. The River no longer feeds the Delta because it was dammed up. It is beyond worth saving.

3) I am one fortunate woman to have the opportunity to come here and meet these people who have laughter, spirit and guts that can't be captured by Hollywood, much less by me in this blog. I am humbled by them all.

So good night and good luck to all my new friends.

Pets, I am coming home to you.


Anonymous said...

I know this has been a profound experience for you, and I look forward to hearing more about it. One thing I do know: you definitely are the right person for the job, and I know you made a difference, even though you see so much more to be done.

Amie said...

I think the world of you for doing this....

Sue said...

Thanks Amie and Lib. It means lot to me that you're out there!

Anonymous said...

It took me awhile to find this "other Blog" Sue.

Thank you for being one of the people who moved on their instincts to help. I know you will keep doing all you can. It's just the way you are made. Take care. I will always be thinking of you and wishing you well.

Sue said...

Thank you very much for those kind words. Now who are you?