Friday, March 14, 2008

The Wounded

The Wounded but ambulatory stay in one place. We had a meeting in that building yesterday and were waiting in the lobby for the Boss Lady to arrive. A soldier on crutches came out of the elevator pusing one of those luggage things you see at hotels. No idea what it's called- a cart? A luggage cart? Anyway, he found it cumbersome to push and walk on crutches at the same time. I jumped up and pushed the cart with his duffle on it out to the street where the cab lady helped me move his things into the car. I told him "I have been on crutches so I got ya." He thanked me ma'am several times and I told him it was my pleasure.

But then I began to second guess myself. He is a young soldier-wonder if it made him feel bad for a relatively old lady to assist? Here he is, strong, wounded, having fought in a hostile mean place and now? Some lady that reminds him of his mom has to help him get out the door. So I called my mom and she said he probably appreciated it, so I felt better.

I'm second guessing myself a lot. Which is not always bad.

Have a nice weekend everybody. I'm going to Mt P. this weekend to see my loved ones.

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