Monday, April 28, 2008

The Thai Place

OT, here's one of my roses.

I knew I could find a place that serves great Thai food with nice people on the job. Fortunately, it's only a block away from The Fabulous Hampton Inn.

The first day I went for lunch "The Price is Right" was on the TV in the front, Asian Soap on the TV on the back. The Asian Soap was almost as much fun as Tella Novella. Anyway, as the nice lady brought me my tea, she wailed,"I miss my Bob Bakkah!" in that heavily accented English I have come to know well over the years. 'He's so handsome!" Her devotion was so great.

They fixed me a great lunch, asked me about myself, and were kind and accomodating in general.

I went back the next week and saw they had added a lunch buffet, which has turned out great for them and me too. It's fast, delicious, and full of soldiers in a hurry.

I was there today and told the son of the lady in charge that I grow lemongrass and would be happy to bring some when it gets going this summer. he laughed and said his mom had his yard so full of lemongrass and everything else, that there's no room to move. She's my kind of girl!

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