Saturday, May 20, 2006

The Road

I have spent the morning looking up Barbeque Places in Southern Georgia. What a mistake. I am now starving and I'll have to go to Momma Brown's for supper. MMMMM collards. My friend Julie will be joining me, then taking me to pick the rental car. I may upgrade to Something Special if they plan to give me a 2 door Speck. I will travel through Valdosta and Waycross. Hopefully somebody will have Sunday lunch for me. I am taking Cheerwine, and will buy the peanuts to go in the bottle when I get to the Peanut State. I hope to make it to Mobile tomorrow, then I will take I-10 to Lafayette.

I have knitting books, I have an Atlas, I have new Bare Escentials cosmetics. I have a bag for shoes. I have wildflower seeds, and rose cuttings. I think I am ready. Thank goodness for that Girl Scout training. I am officially Prepared.


Anonymous said...

Hey! Thanls for this info and keeping us up to date. Good luck on the gardening projects and of course the knitting. (Like you'll have time to knit...ha, you optimist, you.)

I look forward to the next post.


Anonymous said...

Thelma, I wish I could be your copilot on this road trip. Maybe next time. Be careful.

Anonymous said...

Sue, Will be thinking of you and your missions. I have sent you an angel for your shoulder( you'll know which one; you'll feel her) Take care. Happy travels.

Unknown said...

You go girl! hugs from the left coast:)

DivaJood said...

Bon voyage! Hey, what's cheerwine?

Sue said...

Thanks everybody!

Carolyn, I WILL knit. Takes the edge off.

Emmar, one day...

Cheryl, that angel landed last night at about 9. Thanks!

dusty, thanks!

And Jood, :D:D:D
It's a NC soft drink. Soda's not my thing but a road trip just hollers out Cheerwine and peanuts.


DivaJood said...

Dang, you southern folks sure do have some inventive foodstuff. Cheerwine, moon pies. Collards.

Have fun, and knit us all some comments!

Anonymous said...

Hey. Guess you're well on the way. I just got around to posting. I'll be praying for ya, sis.

Anonymous said...

SW, sorry "roguefood" wasn't any help but I know we would like to hear about your trip on rogueFD when you get back.
Have a good time,

Anonymous said...

Good Morning! I can't seem to find my login and password, so I'm flying by as ananon..but this is Jayne.

Hope your weather is clear sailin'..and remember, no matter what the locals tell you, gator mockin' is best left to the pro's and my mom!

Anonymous said...

Safe travels dear friend! Now any time I take a trip in that directions I will see your beautiful plants along the way.

Anonymous said...

Hang in there Sue .... light a candle and give Darling Keith something else to recover from!!!

Hope you'll be able to escape and devote your time to needs assessment and discovering the best barbeque in Lafayette!!

Hugs from Vee

Sue said...

Diva if you have not tried Cheerwine you must. I'll send you some when I get back.

Basic Marin merci for the poetry! I am posting reviews every chance I get.

Lib, Julie, Vee, y'all know I love ya!