Friday, February 10, 2006

OO y'all I am one busy girl!

The Agency is allowing me to go alone since I am not scared of the sort of thing, and I am so glad. I heard I will be working in the schools. That's all I know. I'm taking my child and adolescent PTSD assessments (well, duh, I know, but it's nice to have measures that have empirical back-up).

I do not have adequate luggage. I do not go on trips that involve work so I've never had to take work fashions. Fortunately I am not required to dress up, jeans are recommended and are very heavy. So I am borrowing luggage from my dear friend and Travel Queen Missy. She is moving soon to a beachfront home! Yay! Anyway, I am reshuffling all clothing items.

I spoke with my hostess, Miss Joyce. She told me that everything is available down there so I don't have to lug stuff I might not need. I looked it up-there is a Michael's in case I need needles etc. I'm taking my Denise's on the plane. I hope it's all copacetic.

I located my Mardi Gras beads. I do not want to try to acquire them when I get there. I will wear them on the plane in a show of soladarity to all my Brothers and Sisters affected by Hurricane Katrina and all the brouhaha that has ensued. I love that word brouhaha. I just hope I don't get in any while I'm gone. If I do it will not be the first time.

1 comment:

Amie said...

Yes, you - NO Brouhaha. You are allowed mild kerfuffles, some minor hubbub and definitely a good hootenanny, but NO brouhaha.